Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Case for more HOV lanes

Okay, I know I'm not the first person to complain about I-5 traffic, BUT maybe I'm the first to rationalize the absolute NEED for more HOV lanes.  See the above photo.  It doesn't matter if you carpool or not, you're sitting in the SAME traffic.  Over the past few months I have traveled to Seattle and RARELY is there any benefit for having a second (or third or fourth) person in the car.

With the recent "GO GREEN" excitement that is sweeping the country, you would think this would be a no-brainer.  ESPECIALLY in Washington.  The EverGREEN state!  Oh, they're trying....we're constantly urged to carpool...lower our emissions and carbon footprint.  While it's all well and good that it's a good idea for the environment...in today's society, we need some sort of kickback.  Enter:  The HOV lane!  A fast track to wherever you are going all because you're doing your part.....yeah right.  NOT anymore!

So, here's my idea.  It's simple.  5-lane highway = 3 HOV lanes!  THAT will get people to carpool!  I'm really not for the whole "carbon offset" idea...BUT, I would be willing to concede the middle lane to single drivers who want to pay a toll for it.

Who does this screw....yep, the single drivers.  But really, if the HOV lanes are as promising as they can be...actually allowing drivers to get to their destination without too much trouble, yeah I think more single drivers will make an assertive effort to carpool.  Right now, there's NO INCENTIVE!

Anyway....those are my thoughts....not necessarily in jest!  Let the Jason-bashing begin! :)

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