Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ministry of Optimism

10 minutes until Dinner is ready from Thai Wok, so how about a blog entry...

So, if there was a Ministry of Optimism, would you join? Or does the word "ministry" turn you off? I know that many people associate ministry with religious-based faith and to join one ministry would be blasphemous!

I don't know...I like to think that no matter what faith one may belong to, there is always a little room for optimism. The only requirement of membership to this ministry is to think of at least one optimistic thought per day and try to look for the best on every situation.

Strive for perfection and you'll end up at least on the positive side of things right? was a random thought, but now that I think of it, I would join the Ministry of Optimism, if it existed. Which...I think it does....and I think I'm there...anyone wanna join? ;)

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